Når Dronten først er i det gribbe hjørnet, her er Hilaire Bellocs betraktning om gribbens ve og vel, fra samlingen More Beasts for Worse Children:
The Vulture
The Vulture eats between his meals,
And that's the reason why
He very, very, rarely feels
As well as you and I.
His eye is dull, his head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner.
Oh! what a lesson for us all
To only eat at dinner!
En annen sak er i hvor stor grad kan man bør stole på Bellocs visdom. Hans dikt om tigeren, fra samlingen The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, tilsier at man bør være varsom, hvis man ikke vil lide samme skjebne som dodoen:
The Tiger
The tiger, on the other hand,
Is kittenish and mild,
And makes a pretty playfellow
For any little child.
And mothers of large families
(Who claim to common sense)
Will find a tiger well repays
The trouble and expense.
Og til slutt, fra samme samling, en kort betraktning om dromedaren, ganske enkelt fordi den er hylende morsom:
The Dromedary
The Dromedary is a cheerful bird:
I cannot say the same about the Kurd.
The Games of Gargantua.
for 3 timer siden
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