Valla. Yssen. Aulie. Hun derre fjolla på P3.
Deerstalker har et vagt minne om at det i hans ungdom til stadighet ble hevdet at verden ville bli et langt mer fredfullt sted hvis kvinner styrte. Kunne noen være så vennlig å minne ham om logikken bak denslags forestillinger?
The Games of Gargantua.
for 3 timer siden
2 kommentarer:
A Thought
James Kenneth Stephen (1859–92)
IF all the harm that women have done
Were put in a bundle and rolled into one,
Earth would not hold it,
The sky could not enfold it,
It could not be lighted nor warmed by the sun;
Such masses of evil
Would puzzle the devil
And keep him in fuel while Time’s wheels run.
But if all the harm that ’s been done by men
Were doubled and doubled and doubled again,
And melted and fused into vapor and then
Were squared and raised to the power of ten,
There would n’t be nearly enough, not near,
To keep a small girl for the tenth of a year.
Og her ble jeg beskyldt(av Dodofruen)for misogyne tilbøyeligheter ...
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